The Mindset of Success

LIASB Special Event Recap

Speaker: Striker Corbin



We had a great event yesterday discovering the Mindset of Success. Everyone no matter age, desires or aspirations wants to know how to be successful. To truly achieve success, it should be in all aspects of our lives; health, finances and relationships —everyone wants that. Today’s talk was far more than hype, it wasn’t a “be all you can be session” instead, it was about the basic human traits and instincts we fall back on, those that stop us from achieving success. It’s often amazing how simple the answer or solution really is, and while you may have heard this a thousand times it really does “start with you”.

Striker showed us that no matter who you are, your position in life, you can be successful with the right mindset. He demonstrated the three primary things that can incapacitate even the most astute person from achieving success.

Fear – Negativity – Judgement

Striker explained that when faced with any adversity we are naturally drawn to the fear of what we are facing, associated negative thoughts and experiences, then our preconceived judgements. And like falling dominos, the brain in a nanosecond recalls every life experience that fits nicely into that box. Successful people do the same however, they quickly stop the dominos from falling and they start thinking the opposite. Putting fear, negativity and judgement on the shelf and moving forward, not remaining in the past.

We want to thank Striker Corbin for sharing with the LIASB members and guest his knowledge and insight. We recommend you follow or reach out to Striker and learn how you too can have “The Mindset of Success”

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