LIASB Special Event

End the Year Strong! Tip to Eliminate the "Holiday Head-Trash"

Date 11/13/2019
Time: 7:30 - 10:00am

Why do so many people find that sales slump as we approach the end-of-year holiday season? Peter Fasulo of Sandler Training blames this on "Holiday Head-Trash" and will present 6 sales & marketing tips to help you get around "headtrash" and end your sales year with a bang!

Topics include:
  • Setting realistic end-of-year goals.
  • Marketing blasts that get results (and when to send them).
  • Calling vs. E-mailing (which works and when).
  • Handling "I'll think it over" and "Holiday Push-Back".
  • Discounting to get the sale. Should you? How much?
  • Prepping your 2020 using KARE (Keep, Attain, Recapture,Expand).

Guest Speakers

Peter Fasulo

Pete spent 20 years in corporate America, including various Fortune 500 companies, in positions ranging from sales representative to Vice President of Sales. He worked in his own venture, PJF Sales Training, Inc. for 10+ years and is now Director of Business Development at Sandler Training. Pete is also the author of "The 3 P's to Sales Success".

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